Steep, lush vineyards planted with Riesling vines were the predominate view on our bike ride along the Mosel river in Germany. We knew when we were ready to stop for the day that either a Biergarten or a chilled glass of Riesling awaited us.
Riesling in the states has a bad reputation of being a “sweet wine”, and of course, it can be. Germany has five classifications of Riesling. Trocken (fairly dry in the German classification) Riesling is anything but sweet! Refreshing, slightly chilled, there were tastes of citrus, peach and minerals that made these crisp, dry wines a fantastic summer drink.
My iphone inspiration photo made me want to capture (in focus which is easier to control on a real camera) the chill and freshness of the Riesling. I wanted the image to be more intimate with the wine!