"Not all who wander are lost"

                                                                                     J R R Tolkien

Lunch at SPQR, San Francisco

Lunch at SPQR, San Francisco


The spark that moves our imagination to create. Visuals kindle thoughts of compositions and light so we can relive and recreate. 

Assisi, Italy

Assisi, Italy


Most often to really experience the culture of an area, food and drink are the best roads to travel. 

Monteleone d'Orvieto, Italy

Monteleone d'Orvieto, Italy


Seeking to discover the beauty and character in places, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.



Sometimes the simplest of things are the most inspiring. When our eyes and mind can rest we can really absorb whats in front of us. We love to take time to look at what seems like nothing.






Anchovy, parmesan, celery and olive appetizer at Zuni Cafe, San Francisco   Total inspiration! We, like so many people, love to eat and find restaurants that push us in new directions. Trying new dishes becomes an interesting challenge at times…

Anchovy, parmesan, celery and olive appetizer at Zuni Cafe, San Francisco   Total inspiration!


We, like so many people, love to eat and find restaurants that push us in new directions. Trying new dishes becomes an interesting challenge at times... asking for ingredients and recipes at restaurants and then recreating the photographic representation of them in the studio is illuminating. It has taught us to be better cooks because we are constantly learning new processes. This blog allows us to show and share our exploration of food, beverage and travel.